Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Recovery Day and The Internship

So, today was my recovery day for C25K. I woke up a little sore, but only in places where I expected it. Honestly, I've felt worse after my first days of ballet class. I'm calling this a win in that so far, I haven't pushed too hard or injured myself.

Getting ready for my internship was a little tricky (no time for a long, hot shower) and I made a point of wearing flats today. This was my fourth day working at my dad's law firm. He's put me and one other intern in charge of drafting letters to people and companies that owe the state money. Thus far the pros of this internship are:
  • great resume-building experience
  • significant wages
  • decent hours
  • proof that I don't want to be a lawyer
I've only found two cons to the experience. The first is that it is so quiet at the office--nearly silent! At the HTC office, we always had NPR on and chatted. At MBPU, people are much, much quieter. I'm slowly getting used to it--mostly by humming Lady Gaga songs while I file.

The other problem I have is the fact that I only have this job because my dad is in charge of the project. I'm all for networking and getting your foot in the door, but this feels a bit like nepotism. I feel that I can't make any mistakes because I'm trying to prove that I could've gotten this position on my own merits. It's also difficult to talk about Dad to the other employees:

"Where did you put those files?"

"Oh, I gave them to...wait, what do I call him? Joe? Mr. Young? Dad? dad..."

No matter what I say, it feels awkward.

Then again, if that's my biggest problem with this internship, I think that this summer will work out well for me. And train me to deal with awkwardness.