Saturday, September 18, 2010

Indian Run: Great Success

Well there they are--the results of my first 5K! 52:27, 79th place for women, 180th overall. Dead last in my age bracket.

And I don't really care. I never thought that I could run any race, but here I am with a 5K under my belt.

Like I said, I knew going into the race that I wouldn't be able to run the full 5K. Overall, I'd say that I ran between a third and a half of the distance. The race started out pretty well--I kept a decent pace for the first half mile (incidentally, the longest interval I ran during my abbreviated training). I tried to keep my pace brisk, but toward the end my asthma hit hard and I had to slow down a lot.

I did fall once, though I didn't really notice how scraped up my leg was until I was driving home:

I ran the final portion, which was most important in my mind. For some reason, I figured that if I started and ending by running, no matter how long I walked in the middle, it was still a success.

As I made my way toward the water/snack tent, I remembered a post I had seen on Off Beat Mama (or a similar blog, I can't remember): one midwife gives spoonfuls of honey to mothers immediately following birth. The sugar gives them an energy boost while they recover. I told Jay that for my next race, I want him at the finish line, camera in one hand, honey in the other.

Bottom line? I have a time to beat and a renewed desire to train.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Prepping for the Indian Run

So, in approximately 12 hours, I will be running my first 5K. If I'm going to be honest with myself, though, I will be briskly walking my first 5K.

I got really overwhelmed by my move to Athens and thus, fell epically behind on my training. I'm trying not to beat myself up over it too much. It's no big secret that I have an intense fear of failure (and strangely, of too much success), so I'm trying to look at this race as a safe way to fail. Even though I won't be able to run the whole time I'm still excited to run/hike the Hocking Hills. I love the area, so if nothing else, the Indian Run gives me a chance to enjoy one of my favorite places. Also: FREE SHIRT!

I just finished my "Keep Your Energy UP!" playlist for tomorrow:

1. (Do You Want to Date My) Avatar Felicia Day
2. Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You, Tonight Spinal Tap
3. Zero Punctuation Theme Ian Dorsch
4. All the Single Ladies Beyonce
5. Vampire People in Planes
6. Too Drunk to Fuck The Dead Kennedys
7. Just a Girl No Doubt
8. Crazy in Love Beyonce ft. Jay-Z
9. My Name is Jonas Weezer
10. Young Lust Pink Floyd
11. She Makes it So Warp 11
12. Transylvanian Concubine Rasputina
13. The Impression that I Get The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
14. Nowhere Near Summercamp
15. I'll Tell Me Ma Shamrock
16. Death to Los Compesinos Los Compesinos!
17. Cheating on You Franz Ferdinand
18. The Happiest Days of Our Lives Pink Floyd
19. Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2 Pink Floyd
20. Angel Main Theme Darling Violetta
21. We are Beautiful, We are Doomed Los Compesinos!

And so, to bed.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Post-Migraine Updates

I've been away from the blogosphere for a while because I've had chronic migraines. Yes, weeks of migraines. On top of that, I broke my laptop's keyboard. I was trying to clean the keys and succeeded in making things much, much worse.

So, to ease back into the blogging, I'm stealing an idea from Nicky: Here's what I'm loving today...

1. My mad computer fixing skillz (yes, with a z):

I installed a new keyboard on my laptop, FTW. It's actually kind of strange being able to type 6, 7, y, u, h, j, n, and m again. I forget that I can.

2. My new doctor:

I went to Holzer clinic for a check up and I love my new GP. She made sure everything was in working order, then discussed my chronic headaches. She gave me great advice to start controlling these damn headaches and wrote a new prescription for my inhalers.

3. Fantastic World Foods:

It's so freaking hot in my house, so I'm making their hummus for dinner. Probably going to have fresh strawberries and cool whip for dessert. Nom nom nom nom...

Jimmy and Kristy (our wedding photographers) wrote this about our engagement session a few weeks ago. So, so much fun!

5. My new shoes:

Technically, these came in the mail on Friday, but I'm still loving them. I bought them for the wedding, and I am so pumped to rock them down the aisle.

So, with my migraines (hopefully) under control and my inhalers on the way, I can get back into running. I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm not really ready for the Indian Run. I mean, even if I have a sucky first 5k, there's no reason to give up.